Stephen Burrell

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Learn how to sell

You cannot change the system all at once, but what you can change is the voice in your head. And if the voice in your head is holding you back then that's not helping, in reality, what this means is the power structure has corrupted the voice in your head and put it to work for themselves. What is essential, whatever we are trying to get people in power to listen to, is to first change the voice in our own head. Find out how to befriend the “lizard brain” and the resistance, and not let it sabotage what we are doing. I think that what people like in us, is our confidence, our authority, our belief in what we are actually doing and working that out helps us get 80% of the way there.

Learning how to sell, learning how to talk to somebody about something you care about and getting them to believe you and pay you money for it. Nowadays, we are in the ideas business, I mean we have the opportunity to show up with an idea that’s worth more than it costs. And some people are going to be stuck in their “old ways”, so afraid of a person like you that they are not going to buy from you, but their competition will and that’s how we change culture. We change the culture because the losers learn a lesson, and the lesson they learn is that diversity pays off.

It doesn’t matter what the messenger looks like or the clothes the messenger is wearing, what matters is what will get you to move forward. I am optimistic that we are at the cusp of this cultural change happening even more. Hopefully people will look beyond DNA, gender or sexuality and start to understand that seeing people for who they are and understanding ideas for what they offer is where we need to go. Along the way a lot of people like me are paying the price. It’s bad enough that you have to deal with the voices outside of your head but you can begin by straightening out the voices in your head, because this is something that everyone has wrestled with. It’s always that same voice, learn how to dance with it, learn how to befriend it to understand that we have got a chance.