Stephen Burrell

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Who are your customers?

“Today, we are in a connected economy and picking your customers is easy!”
A bold statement, in reality your customers are the group of people who define what you do all day and what you are going to do next. This is because you are not looking for new customers for your products, you are looking for new products for you customers. I hope you know the difference.

“You get to choose your customers!” - another bold statement 😊.
You never say I have this great product who do I sell it to, you say which group of people are open to being connected , open to being led in a particular direction or open to your art form. “I pick you” - these people will be your customers, now let’s work together and make some business.

Do more people trust you and pay attention today than 6 months ago?
What are you going to do today and 6 months in the future to radically increase the number of people and how deeply they pay attention and trust you?