Stephen Burrell

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The ABC's of leadership

For many years the ABC’s of leadership was an abbreviation for Act, Build and Commit. Under the current circumstances, perhaps it’s time for a new acronym. What do you think about Korn Ferry’s Accountability, Belief and Capability?

  • Accountability. The accountability we wish to see in others starts with each of us. In other words, we must first be accountable to ourselves for our own behaviors. Believe it, say it, mean it, act it!

  • Belief. When we believe we can make a difference - that change is possible - then our actions will follow. And if we don’t believe, we won’t achieve..

  • Capability. This is a broad brush: listening, connecting, inspiring, giving and getting honest feedback, expanding networks, exploring with others, and constantly looking for opportunities to learn. It’s all about allowing belief and accountability to shine through actions.