Stephen Burrell

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Courage comes in many forms

Some have argued that courage should include overcoming a fear, while others have suggested that fear may or may not be present in the courageous act. Daniel Putnam in his book, “Psychological Courage” from 2004 stated that "courage involves deliberate choice in the face of painful or fearful circumstances for the sake of a worthy goal."

The 6 types of courage

  1. Physical Courage
    To keep going with balance, resilience, and awareness.

  2. Social Courage
    To be yourself unapologetically.

  3. Moral Courage
    Doing the right thing even when it’s uncomfortable or unpopular.

  4. Emotional Courage
    Feeling all your emotions both positive and negative without guilt or attachment.

  5. Intellectual Courage
    To learn, unlearn and relearn with an open and flexible mind.

  6. Spiritual Courage
    Living with purpose and meaning through a heart centered approach towards all life and oneself.

Throughout my life people with guts have been solving problems, so I think courage is the choice and willingness to confront uncertainty, intimidation, danger, and pain.