Stephen Burrell

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Drop the ego

How do you connect with the younger generation?

I find it quite easy because the younger generation is also purpose-driven. Like them, I want to work with organisations that value human connection and prioritise human values. I want to engage on a personal level, sit down, have a conversation, and enjoy a cup of coffee (or tea), even if we eventually part ways professionally. It’s important for me to separate the business side from the human side, which can be challenging at times. But for me, the psychological aspect, I mean the human connection is what matters most.

In today’s digital world, where there is an obsession with smart devices and social media, everything is open and instant, which can add complexity. I focus on the emotional well-being of all employees, ensuring they are balanced. I think with social media, even small issues can escalate quickly, and criticism can spread widely, therefore, it's essential to stay emotionally resilient in such an environment. I’m there for you with a quiet ego and an open mind.