Stephen Burrell

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Right and wrong

You believe X and I believe Y, but I need to convince you that my Y is the right solution. Does your attitude affect my outcomes? When something doesn’t feel right then the cause is always the other person. 100% of the time you are making decisions about what looks right and what doesn’t based on different information. Whenever you disagree you have to make attributions for disagreement, I mean you have to explain to yourself. Why is it we disagree and it’s basically a story we make up in your own mind about what is the cause of this disagreement (*Professor Lee Ross’ “fundamental attribution error”). And the simplest version is that we disagree because the other person is wrong.


*The fundamental attribution error is the tendency people must overemphasise personal characteristics and ignore situational factors in judging others' behaviour. Because of the fundamental attribution error, we tend to believe that others do bad things because they are bad people.