Stephen Burrell

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The corridors of uncertainty

What are you afraid of, fear of rejection or loss, fear of criticism?
All intelligent people are afraid of something. I think people who are dominated by the fear of failure us an enormous amount of energy to justify or cover up their mistakes as they cannot deal with the fact that they have made a mistake. Others are preoccupied by the fears of rejection and are so sensitive of how they appear to others, they don’t have the ability to take any independent actions and refrain from doing anything until they are certain that someone else will approve.


By objectively analysing your fears you will begin the process of eliminating them, as anything you practice repeatedly will eventually become a new habit. Make a list and organise your fears in order of importance. Here a few example questions:
·      Which fear has the greatest impact on your thinking?
·      How does this fear hold you back?
·      How does this fear help you?
·      How would you benefit by eliminating this fear?
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