Stephen Burrell

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The mind is a rollercoaster

How do you become good at concentrating?
I think that you can’t focus or concentrate on something that you don’t understand, therefore, one should start by understanding the mind. To be concentrated is to be able to keep your awareness on one thing for an extended period of time. The mind is the most powerful tool in the world and one of the first things I learned when I moved to Copenhagen was the workings of the mind. This was because once you know how the mind works you can control it, and once you can control it - you can focus it. The best way to practice concentrating is by doing one thing at a time throughout the day.

What’s the best way to develop concentration?
I think the best way to develop concentration is to bring that practice into our everyday lives. Whenever you feel that your mind is drifting away, bring it back and focus your with your undivided attention on the person, event or activity. When you can concentrate then you’re able to focus all your energy into a single given point. Life is a manifestation of where your energy is flowing. And if you can’t concentrate your energy, the things that you want to manifest in your life will become very challenging. Keep bringing awareness back and keep focused, learn to concentrate by doing one thing at a time. Make this practise an essential  part of your day.