Stephen Burrell

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Consensus buying

More people are now involved in making buying decisions in the B2B world as the product or service being sold will probably impact more than one stakeholder, and in some cases more than one department. And the risk associated with this high-priced item you are offering comes with more risk; therefore, more people need to be in on the buying process. The challenge we face as salespersons is now, we must develop “consensus buying.” When I say consensus buying, I mean it’s difficult to get 5 to 10 decision makers on the same page. How do we control the narrative? It’s the salespersons job to find common ground and work towards a consensus.


All stakeholders have an opinion on what they should buy and for what reasons they should buy, and in many cases it’s all about self-interest as they are only looking from their own perspective. Now this gives the salesperson an opportunity to get people on board, build consensus and serve all these different interests. Therefore, good sales training is more important than ever before, contact via e-mail for sales training and workshops.