Life lessons from children

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Yesterday, I went to Copenhagen Central Station to purchase a new travel card. It was an amazing experience as the expedient and I hit it off immediately - banter, humour and playing up to our inner child. Therefore, this morning I was inspired to think about some life lessons we can learn from children.

  1. Be courageous and try new things

  2. Adopt a beginner's mindset

  3. Have fun and laugh more

  4. Make new friends

  5. Fall and get back up

  6. Ask lots of questions

  7. Believe in miracles

  8. Colour outside the lines

  9. Love playing

  10. Wander around

This pandemic is offering the entire planet a similar opportunity. This is the first time in human history that the entire world turned unitedly against a common foe. We are being presented with an opportunity - how will you use it? Contact me via e-mail for coaching, mentoring or workshops.