Stephen Burrell

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Routines are necessary

What do top salespersons and elite athletes have in common?

Both salespersons and elite athletes require discipline, focus, and the ability to perform consistently at a high level. No matter where you go on earth, when you meet top salespersons regardless of the industry, they all have a routine. Most sales days are unstructured so if you don’t have a routine, it’s easy to drift off into things that are trivial  or “important” but they make no impact and add no value. Perhaps, I’m biased because I come from the sports world, but I have observed regardless of where you are in the world, the one thing all elite athletes have in common is routine. They all have a routine that they stick to, whether it’s a practice routine, whether it’s a game routine, they all have a “go to” routine that they always stick to. I think routine helps to eliminate distractions, builds good habits and will increases your chances of achieving success.