A golden opportunity

When there’s too many options the brain locks up! Have you heard the term, buyers regret? Buyer’s regret is where buyers would rather not decide than decide and be wrong. When there are more options, this provides a golden opportunity for salespersons to help the customer and become that trusted advisor. The opportunity to explain things to the buyer and help guide them into a buying decision, now salespersons are more valuable than ever. In other words, it’s not what you sell, it’s how you sell in today’s market, and good salespersons are more valuable than ever because there’s more options.


As a salesperson you are not just selling a product or service, you are selling the way to build their business and different ways they can use it. What if you start getting more creative about how your product or service can help the company increase revenue? What if you start getting more creative about how your product or service can help the company reduce expenses? What about if you can help them expand their market share in ways that they haven’t thought about? The fact that you can give them ideas, positions you as the expert, the person with insights who adds value in the conversation.