Stephen Burrell

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Logo vs. brand

Over the weekend, I explained to my son the difference between a company with a logo and a brand. The example I used showed the difference between a “no-name” hotel and a brand. All hotels have logos and offer accommodation, not all of them have established themselves as distinct brands with a unique identity and reputation. If a “no-name” hotel with a logo came up with a new line of sports shoes, you wouldn’t have any idea of what they would look like. In contrast, a brand like NIKE who has built a strong identity and trust among its customers. If NIKE were to enter a new market like hotels, consumers would have certain expectations about the experience based on their existing perception of the brand.


I think the key message is that brands should focus on creating a strong and authentic identity that resonates with customers over the long term. This identity should extend beyond just a logo or a product line; it should encompass the values, experiences, and trustworthiness associated with the brand. Building this kind of brand equity can lead to greater customer loyalty and a more enduring presence in the market.