Stephen Burrell

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Motivational Monday

David Harold Fink (1894 -1968) was an outstanding psychiatrist and medical doctor, and he devised a 30-day programme that will help you realise success. By paying the price to become the person you’ve always wanted to become, you will be in that wonderful minority who lead calm, cheerful and successful lives.

Here are the 6-steps recommended by David Harold Fink:
1.     Set yourself a definite goal.
2.     Stop the negative self-talk.
3.     Stop thinking about all the reasons why you cannot be successful, and instead think of all the reasons why you can.
4.     Trace your attitudes back through your childhood and try to discover where you first got the idea that you couldn’t be a success if that’s the way you’ve been thinking.
5.     Change the image you have of yourself by writing out a description of the person you would like to be.
6.     Act the part of the successful person you have decided to become.

Repeat, and repeat it over and over again. Each time it will become more a part of you until you will wonder how you could have ever lived any other way.