
Teach a man to fish

Hunting is all about the kill, while gathering or farming requires nurturing over time to yield the bounty. In his book, “Guns, Germs, and Steel”, Jared Diamond studied why some cultures today are highly advanced and others are still living very primitive. One of the key factors he found was the difference between how they ate. A hunter for example ‘works today, eats today,’ which points to short-term thinking. On the other hand, a farmer can grow a crop that can last him a whole year or more, which requires more nurturing but also provides more long-term resources.

When setting goals, you want to set both short-term and long-term goals. A short-term goal is a goal that is designed to be completed in a short period of time, typically, between a few weeks and six months Long-term goals can be anything ranging from a year to ten or even twenty years. They may be vague, but that is exactly what long-term goals are meant to be – to serve as a vision for your future.