
Free from biases

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is not only about skin colour; it’s about giving people who have talent the opportunity to express that talent. Often, the starting point can be biased, leading those who are not white to question:
a) Whether they possess the required skills, and
b) If they are the best person for the job.

I advocate for DEI policies because I recognise that many talented individuals from minority backgrounds deserve the same opportunities as the majority. In practice, minorities often need to be exceptional to secure white-collar jobs because societal structures have historically disadvantaged them. I think the western world was built on a patriarchal framework by the white majority, and it was not originally designed to include minorities.

Politeness and courtesy

Is it just me or has society really regressed that much?

I had a really good upbringing as a child in South London, where I was taught right from wrong and about being polite. Politeness and courtesy seem to have become less common in daily interactions, and nowadays people seem so surprised when you are polite to them. There might be various reasons for this, for example, cultural shifts or changes in social norms, also, in an increasingly fast-paced world, people might be more focused on efficiency rather than interpersonal niceties. However, there are still many who value and appreciate politeness, this might not always be immediately evident, but small acts of kindness and consideration can make a significant impact, even in a society that sometimes seems to undervalue them. Contact me via e-mail and let me know about some instances where you noticed surprise when being polite.

Marketing for kind

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I think that there are only two kinds of marketers:
1) Market chasers, and
2) Category creators

Which one are you?
Not all marketing is marketing for good. I belong to a community of marketers and change makers who believe that as most of the world’s problems depend for their resolution on forms of human cooperation, so we have a responsibility to better use marketing to create positive change. We partly do this by stepping out of our day jobs and upcycling our marketing skills in support of inspiring charities and social enterprises. We coach each other into becoming more purposeful and impactful marketers in the digital fireside. And we recognise that the systems that which we are a part of are themselves shaped by stories that we tell each other across society.