
Contrasting pairs

Introvert is not lonely.
Humility is not self-doubt.
Silence is not ignorance.
Authority is not influence.
Kindness is not weakness.
Generosity is not loyalty.
Wealth is not health.
Privilege is not entitlement.
Calmness is not acceptance.
Appearance is not happiness.

I think each pair of statements contrasts two concepts that are often misunderstood or conflated with each other. This structure effectively highlights the distinctions between them, emphasising that having one quality does not necessarily imply the presence of the other. What do you think?

“You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over.”
— Richard Branson

Will you remember me?

What’s the one thing you want people to remember?
To answer this question, I would have to think of a person that I respect and the traits they have that I really like. Vision and mission have been popular concepts, these terms are often mixed up and their differences are not understood. Let me clarify:

  • A vision statement is an aspirational statement made by an organisation that articulates what it would like to achieve. For example: What is the dream you have that describes an ideal future state of your business?

  • A mission statement is defined as an action-based statement that declares the purpose of an organisation and how they serve their customers. For example: What you do? > How you do it? > Why you do it?