
Where are you?

Most companies and organisations don’t think about positioning, as they assume it’s obvious to their customers. However, I think positioning is about shaping the environment in the consumer’s mind, helping them draw comparisons and know what to expect. You can compare positioning to the opening scene of a film as when you go to the cinema, you usually know a little about the film before buying your ticket. Yet, the job of the opening scene is to set the context because you have some big questions:
- Where are we?
- What time frame is it?
- Who are the characters?
- What is the vibe of this film?
You need these big questions answered before you can settle in and pay attention to the details of the story. This is also the case for your company or organisation, so contact me via email for an informal meeting about your positioning.

It all depends

Game theory is a mathematical framework to understand how decision-makers make choices and interact strategically in situations where the outcomes of their decisions depend not only on their own actions but also on the actions of others. I have used game theory to study and analyse strategic interactions between decision-makers and competitors. Markets are not perfectly efficient they are discovery mechanisms, and through this discovery process it will clarify what people will willing to pay for. Therefore, price reduction is not a strategy as there is an appropriate level of costs for your business and for the market niche you seek to fill.


I think you can’t really understand human behaviour unless you understand game theory because we are social species and most of our mental evolution has evolved by developing how to second guess other people.

Accelerate the path to delighting customers


I recently had a 1:1 meeting with a CEO who was looking for a Sales Director. As we spoke I thought that this would be a great challenge for a hungry and driven sales leader who can grow, lead and nurture an enthusiastic sales team. Someone who could divide their time between the operational challenges and strategic support of the sales team in a fast-paced environment without losing sight of the mission. I used my knowledge about market developments and customer needs to help the CEO articulate the strategic initiatives for the organisation.

Humans engage with things they care about, and no one cares about something they don’t understand. Do you know your story? Why you do what you do? How you do it and what are you selling? If you are not clearly communicating this to your buyers, then unfortunately, they will never hear it. Dale Carnegie said, “When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic but with creatures of emotion.” Contact me via e-mail for sales training or workshops.