
Attitude and impacts

I think a diverse workforce closes the gap between a company and the consumer. If customers look into that mirror and don’t see themselves reflected back, they are more likely to search for a business that they feel does reflect them. Decades of research and studies have proved that diverse and inclusive workforces will outperform homogenous teams because they often think more logically, are more creative, and are more adept at identifying errors in thinking. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. The more diverse your workforce, the better equipped you are to balance out one person’s weaknesses with another person’s strengths. A representative workforce will help you understand consumer values, needs, and wants, and will help your organisation to recruit the dynamic and vocal Generation Z.

“Ability determines if you can; attitude determines if you will.”
— Frank Sonnenberg

The Great Resignation

The Great Resignation is an ongoing economic trend in which employees have voluntarily resigned from their jobs in droves since the beginning of 2021. Without passion for the work, you are doing and the work of the organisation, your success will be limited. There has been a rise in over-50s with just enough money saved up to rethink their lives in the wake of the pandemic. 


The “inactivity rate” is defined as people neither in a job nor trying to find one, and apparently this figure currently stands at 21.3% in the UK. I think companies perceiving talent shortages in their local market must rethink their workforce models and their talent acquisition strategies. As a Londoner, I have always found pleasure in communicating to people from very diverse backgrounds. Perhaps it’s time for local businesses to start hiring people from diverse backgrounds.