Stephen Burrell

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The essence of our character

Two things define you in life:

  1. Your patience when you have nothing, and

  2. Your attitude when you have everything.

When you find yourself in moments of scarcity or when things aren't falling into place, your patience becomes a testament to your resilience and strength. It's during these times that your ability to endure, persist, and stay composed truly defines you. On the other hand, when you have abundance and success, your attitude speaks volumes about your humility, gratitude, and generosity. How you carry yourself, treat others, and handle success illuminates your true nature. It's easy to lose perspective or become complacent when surrounded by plenty, but maintaining a humble and gracious demeanour r reflects a deep-seated understanding of what truly matters in life. I think your ability to weather the storms with patience and your grace in times of plenty are the things that shape your identity and reflect the core values which will guide you through life's various stages and circumstances.