The rhythm of loyalty

Marketing often involves embracing counterintuitive approaches, and one of the challenges in marketing is the necessity to incorporate elements that defy conventional logic. It's essential to continually test unconventional strategies, as your competitors may not be doing so. Rather than immediately altering the core reality of a product or service to enhance consumer perception, consider the intricate layers that shape how people perceive, interpret, and emotionally connect with that offering.
 I think the process is multifaceted, involving the objective essence of a product, the context in which it's placed, the perceptions that arise from that context, the emotions or meanings derived from those perceptions, and the emotions ultimately driving consumer behaviour. Unlike the neat and predictable mappings seen in physics, human behaviour encompasses a more complex, non-linear journey through several stages. One has to recognise and harness the complexity of human behaviour and perception can be a key to successful marketing, even if it requires embracing counterintuitive strategies.