Stephen Burrell

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Turbulent times

Navigating a highly uncertain and constantly changing context, while actively contributing to building the future that we want to see, has never been more important. My writing is a form of therapy, an attempt to continuously educate and direct myself towards emotional health and ethical good sense. Think about a single area in your life where you are successful, and ask yourself, “What small things do I do each day that allows my consistent success?” I follow these three key performance indicators to map how successful I am in my life:

  • Truth: Are you being true to yourself and your values?

  • Focus: Are you consistently committing to your goals?

  • Strength: Do you keep pushing forward, even when you feel afraid or make a mistake?


Try it out and let me know what you think via e-mail. Remember the picture we paint in our minds of what other people are like is one of the main driving forces of relationships, economics, and politics.