Play your cards right


Information and data is really important, in reality human beings are moved by emotion. I help people build that emotional connection whether it's in a one to one conversation or if you have to give a presentation in front of many people. By being your true self and conveying your message in a way that is going to connect is easier said than done. What I attempt to do is align everybody, so they are singing from the same hymn sheet, and are working towards the organisation's common mission.

It starts by doing the work within oneself, first question is ‘Who am I?’
Do you know who you want to be as a person? How do you want your life to look? What kind of impact do you want to make on other people? I will guide you in how to look within and understand what experiences have shaped you, and from here, how to present it in a way that is going to affect and elevate others. And ask, ‘Now do I have clarity about my story and why I behave in the way I do?’

Learn how to share a short story that other people in the room can relate to. Demonstrating which parts of your life are relevant to share and when to show your vulnerability are essential ingredients of storytelling.

  • What do you stand for? In other words, what do you believe in so strongly that regardless of the circumstances around you, you will stand up for that principle?

  • When people know that this is what you stand for irrespective of circumstances or your own personal gain they will gravitate towards you, they will trust you more.

My work revolves around growing your influence and building trust with people you work with. Be connected to your story, what shaped you and know what you stand for and believe so strongly that you will bring it naturally every day. Contact me via e-mail for coaching, consulting, workshops or lecturing about storytelling.