Creative by nature


The more choices you have, the more chance that you can do something interesting and remarkable. The artist in me realised that the more I give away, the more I change people, the better I do. The price of originality is criticism and the value of originality is priceless.

The posture of change and the posture of generosity are hard because it’s scary. Our “Lizard Brain” is in charge of fight, flight, fear and freezing up. It’s the first part of the brain that develops in the foetus and the other parts develop on top of it. We all have a brain that wants to make music, wants to have a conversation and we also have a brain that wants to run away, that wants to fit in, that doesn’t want to be laughed at and a brain that wants revenge, and a brain that wants to have children.

Anytime that brain wants to speak up the lizard brain is what wins. As that is why we have survived as a species, and the bad news is the thing that protected us from sabre tooth tigers is the same thing that is recking our lives. It’s sabotaging our ability to do the thing which is actually going to work.