All sales teams need professional training


Even when you are a subject matter expert, neither the sales or buying process is linear. I saw the light in 2010 when I stopped working for Aquascutum and took a step back and asked myself, “If I was on the other end of that communication, what would I think?” - Would I click on subscribe? Would it annoy me? Does it make any sense at all? And if the answers are “No”, then why am I doing this, why am I saying it, why am I presenting it? It was at this point of self reflection and trying to see things from the other side of the table that I realised that I was a teacher and had the skills to verbalise and guide based on real life experiences and storytelling.

I have the structure, discipline and intelligence to seek out the knowledge required to ask great questions. I have sales experience and a good track record, I also know how to come in and make a good presentation, role play, assess the situation and ask for the sale. As if you don’t know how to overcome objections, sales is going to be extremely challenging. Contact me via e-mail for your sales training and workshops.