Stephen Burrell

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Arrogance pretends it knows, whereas humility shows up to learn. I think we all desire knowledge and seek to avoid appearing ignorant, ultimately transforming learners into knowledgeable individuals by showing up to learn rather than pretending to know it all.

  • Why is it important to test assumptions?

  • Can you give me an example of a situation where testing assumptions led to a positive outcome?

  • What are some common barriers to exploring different options?

  • How do you personally challenge yourself to grow and develop?

  • In what contexts do you find it challenging to listen deeply, and how can you overcome those challenges?

  • What has been a significant change you've made in your life, and what motivated it?

  • Can you explain the concept of feedback loops and their significance in various scenarios?

  • How do you go about seeking input from others, and why is it valuable?

Please send me your answers via e-mail.
I will give free 45 minute 1:1 consultation to everyone who replies before midnight on Sunday (17th September 2023).