Advice to my younger self

I was recently asked what advice I would give to my younger self. I thought it was a great question, I paused and answered like this…

”When evaluating a brand, company or organisation as a potential employer, it’s essential to consider whether they nurture a growth mindset, and one way to gauge this is by observing the diversity within their workforce. A company that values diverse backgrounds and perspectives is often open to new ideas and committed to evolving through inclusion. Additionally, look for evidence of learning and development programs, as these initiatives show that the company is dedicated to continuous improvement and is invested in helping employees grow alongside the organisation. Finally, when speaking with recruiters, ask whether the company seeks only "geniuses" who already know everything or if they value individuals willing to learn and adapt. Companies with a growth mindset prioritise potential and development over perfection, creating an environment where growth is encouraged at every level.”

What advice would you give to your younger self?
Send me an e-mail, and we can arrange to have an informal 30 minute discovery call. No strings attached.