Photo via @frkbajer
What values are found in good people?
In my opinion, there is no such thing as a good person. The idea of what we constitute as “good” is not correct because a good person is someone who is trying to improve. And no matter how “good” you are, there is always room for improvement, therefore, the real goodness is in the attempt, it’s in the process.
I think that we learn things painfully and when we learn things painfully a part of us has to die and that’s the pain. For example, when a relationship dream is shattered, a huge part of us that constituted that dream has to be stripped away and destroyed. Life is a constant procession of change and to fully participate in it, you have to allow yourself to be redeemed by it.
Metaphorically speaking, the good is the process of death and rebirth voluntarily undertaken – you are not as good as you could be, so let part of you die. I am fully aware that the thing that emerges in its place is something better. The secret of human beings, unlike any other species is that we can let our old selves die and let our new selves be born, and that is exactly what we need to do.