
Express your gifts

What happens when you stand in front of a fireplace and say give me some heat? The answer is nothing! Unless you put some wood into the fireplace add some fire starters and then light them, then you will not get any heat from the fireplace. If you replace the fireplace with a salesperson and replace heat with money. If you replace wood with knowledge and fire starters with the ability to reach out to clients. This is an analogy of a salesman who is consistently asked to sell products and services on a commission basis with no income until the client pays. I think this shows a distinct lack of understanding about what it takes to make sales - first you have to put something in before you can get something out.

How to make your brand interesting for potential buyers at home or abroad? Here are a few areas where we could collaborate:

Strategy - Interactive interview with yourselves to dig deeper into the brand’s foundation, values, and purpose.

Brand Analysis - Comparative analysis of brand and industry with a view to where the brand should be positioned.

Concept Development - Development of brand design direction and messages.

Communication Strategy - One strategy to unite all activities and channels to simply the brand communication.

Strategic Planning - Activity planning and brand development.

Implementation - Strategic activation plan for the brand with defined channels, goals, and “go-to-market” activities.

Sometimes the shortest distance between two points is not always a straight line. The shortest path will be some kind of line, but its nature depends on the space and how you choose to look at it. Contact me via e-mail and let’s have a meeting.