
Lucky gene club

I won the birthday lottery and was privileged to being born in South London and to have Jamaican parents. I grew up thinking that it was normal to contribute in some way, whether it was by direct economic contribution, social presence or giving food and drink. It was expected of me to be part of something to make “something” better and this energy made it easy for other people to act on it. Character is not something that you buy; it is not a commodity that can be bartered for; it is not a quality suited for only the rich and famous; rather, character is built upon the foundational commitment of love, honesty, and compassion for others.

We all have the same basic needs


The six basic human needs provide a practical key for discovering one’s needs, behaviours, values and beliefs. They are the vehicles we use to meet our needs and these needs underlie and inspire every choice we make.

The first four are the needs of the personality and the final two needs are those of the Spirit:

  1. Certainty - Everybody wants avoid pain and have assurance that our basic needs are met.

  2. Uncertainty - We also crave variety, excitement and new stimuli.

  3. Significance - We all need to feel unique, special and important.

  4. Connection - We want to be loved and cared for and want a feeling of closeness with like-minded people.

  5. Growth - We all have a need to grow and expand in our personal and professional lives.

  6. Contribution - We have a desire to serve and support someone or something bigger than ourselves in a meaningful way.