customer journey

Building a solid baseline

Have you looked at your end-to-end customer journey and figured out how to win?

To effectively win in today's market, it is crucial to examine your end-to-end customer journey. When consumers hear about a product, their first reaction is often to search online. This initiates a journey of discovery about the product, service, issue, or opportunity. In this context, you're not just competing with other companies but also keeping pace with advancing technology and the evolving expectations of your consumers. There are two key players in this scenario: the end-user, who conducts the research, and the sales/marketing team, which must be strategically present and prepared to engage with the end-user at the critical moment of their search. I think success hinges on being able to build a relationship with the customer exactly when they are looking for you.

The customers are the marketeers


Each industry and every company have a different approach to marketing. Here are a few key questions I ask to help my clients to focus on their “new” marketing strategy:

  1. What customer problem do you uniquely solve?

  2. Who is your customer?

  3. Where are those customers?

  4. What makes you relevant to those customers?

  5. How do you communicate your relevance?

  6. How will you continuously measure and adjust?

What Problems Are You Fixing?

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There has never been more tools, technology or creative thinking around how to connect with the consumer. Today, we are building a vast array of habitats inside a single eco-system that is completely connected by software, promotions, technology, data science and we don’t care where the consumer enters, it can be in any of these habitats on the customer journey. 

“To get to the head you have to go through the heart.”

In other words, you need to make people feel before they think and act on something. We are storytelling animals and we start developing our understanding of stories through fairytales and role play during our childhood. This continues throughout our lives, as we become professionals, whether you study law, medicine, business or engineering. Regardless of what you are selling, I think that we are all in the business of moving hearts and minds.