
Look for the gift

I have developed the habit of dealing with each problem in complete confidence that it contains a valuable lesson that can help me be more successful in the future. Now consider the biggest problem in your life today - the one which is causing you the most worry, concern, or frustration. Imagine that this problem has been sent to you as a gift, intended to teach you a valuable lesson that will lead to greater happiness and success. If you look for the gift or lesson within the problem, you will always find it.

“Difficulties come to obstruct, not to destruct.”
— Burrellism

A reduction in price

Human beings in general are allergic to change, regardless of whether it’s in their best interests. Strategic optimisation is more important than ever, especially in these turbulent times. The word, optimise is derived from the Latin word “optimus”, which simply means 'best.' Optimisation doesn't mean doing more for the sake of doing more, it means doing less, so what you do is full of care and attention. Strategies are designs based on the operating model, so when the operating model is outdated because of internal or external factors, execution will fail and not yield the desired results. Therefore, optimisation isn't the problem, we are. Two of my children have their birthday’s this week, so I am giving you or your organisation a gift. Contact me via e-mail for a free one-hour discovery session, use the discount code: “birthday”.