
The Golden Circle defined

Every organisation knows WHAT they do. This is where the organisation now sell their products or services.

Some organisations know HOW they do it? This represents the processes and strategies the organisation uses to achieve success. These are the things that make them special, in other words, what sets them apart from their competition.

Very few organisations know WHY they do what they do. WHY is not about making money as that is a result. The WHY focuses on the purpose, cause or belief, it’s the very reason your organisation exists.

People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it!
— Burrellism

The golden circle


My favourite phase of a consultancy project is the discovery phase, I love it as it's a privilege to really dig into how a company does what it does and how it makes decisions. Sometimes it feels daunting at the beginning with a lot of stuff coming at you but it’s always fascinating. People will always do what is in their own self interest first, and do you know why we can’t see it? It’s because we do it too.

Discovering that big important WHY. The “why” is that thing that gives you the reason to wake up every morning with enthusiasm. It’s the reason why you want to succeed and why you want to win. It’s the “why” that tells your subconscious mind which direction you should take when you want to evolve and grow.

Hiring the right people is probably the most important thing that you can do. Contact me via e-mail when you are ready to look into your golden circle.