
Style never goes out of fashion

Have you mastered the art of non-verbal leadership?

Your personal style is more than just a reflection of your brand, it's also a powerful leadership tool. When your appearance aligns with the values you uphold, it amplifies your leadership message and strengthens both your personal and professional identity.

Here are a few ways you can harness the power of style as a form of non-verbal leadership:

•      Just like a well-thought-out strategy, a perfectly curated outfit commands attention and respect. It signals precision, intentionality, and a commitment to high standards—projecting leadership without needing to speak.

•      A consistent personal style communicates trustworthiness, and it conveys reliability and stability, which are critical qualities in leadership. When others can predict how you present yourself, it fosters a sense of dependability in your leadership.

•      Your wardrobe can skillfully balance authority with approachability. Choosing relaxed attire in the right context can make you more relatable, encouraging open dialogue and collaboration within your team.

•      Incorporating modern trends while staying true to your personal style shows flexibility and a forward-thinking mindset, which are both vital leadership attributes.

Before you speak, your appearance sets the tone, shaping perceptions and reinforcing your leadership presence. Style, when used effectively, is a silent yet impactful leadership trait. I think ultimately, personal style is a form of influence.

What did you say?

Verbal communication is a skill, one must be careful about how you say things to avoid misunderstandings because everyone has different meaning for same words. In this world what you say doesn’t matter as much as how you say it. When putting forward an opinion, you need to think about your choice of words, your gestures, body language and about your tone intensity pitch. 


My father always used to say, “It’s not what you say, it’s the way that you say it!” I think that this is correct and incorrect at the same time, as it's both what you say AND how you say it. The non-verbal components of an assertive message are really the key to its effectiveness. When a customer sees you - your look and your body language - you are already communicating to them, non-verbally, and they are deciding whether or not they want to listen.