triangle of change

The triangle of change

In general, most individuals and organisations will only change when there is either a massive reward or there’s going to be massive pain, suffering or inconvenience by not changing. The "triangle of change" is a model used to explain the three key elements that need to be present for change to occur successfully in any organisation. The three things that make up the triangle of change are:

  1. Leadership
    Change needs to be led by someone who has a vision and is willing to take action to make that vision a reality. Effective leadership is crucial for creating a sense of urgency, inspiring and motivating people to embrace the change, and providing direction and guidance throughout the process.

  2. Culture
    The culture of an organisation or system plays a crucial role in determining whether change is successful. A positive and supportive culture can create an environment where change is embraced and people are willing to take risks, learn new skills, and adapt to new ways of doing things. On the other hand, a culture that is resistant to change can make it difficult to implement new ideas and initiatives.

  3. Process
    The third component of the triangle of change is the process, which refers to the steps and actions that need to be taken to bring about the desired change. This involves setting goals, creating a plan, implementing the plan, and measuring progress along the way. Effective processes are essential for ensuring that change is managed in a structured and systematic way, and that everyone is working towards the same goals.