What is your purpose?


You either believe when there is no evidence and sometimes that is delusion fuelled by denial. And sometimes, you believe where there is no evidence and this shows that you have faith in things that have not been seen yet. The challenge is knowing the difference between the two.

The mind is an element, strategy is an element, but it’s PURPOSE that is the missing link that binds everything together. Purpose is what really matters!

The majority of human beings have never had a deep thought in regards of self-regulation. Everyone is so busy, we are all so distracted that we do not give ourselves time to ask questions that matter. What truly matters is giving yourself the space and time to ask these question.

What is the purpose of your organisation?
I think that purpose is the core, root or foundation of your organisation. Therefore, if anything is poisoning the roots, then we must stop and get rid of the poison.

- By looking at the relationships, dynamics within your organisation.  
- By looking at what’s driving people within your organisation.  
- By looking at the crap that you drag into the business and what poisons the purpose within your organisation.  

And I think that if you don’t do this work, you will never get purpose within your organisation.