Confidence challenge

Why are we always seeking external validation, reassurance, and acceptance?

I think that seeking external validation, reassurance, and acceptance is an intrinsic part of human behaviour. Our social nature is deeply rooted in our evolution and has driven us to seek acceptance within groups and communities as a means of ensuring safety, resources, and support. This quest for validation extends to our self-esteem; positive feedback strengthens our sense of self-worth and belonging, while negative feedback can brings about doubts and insecurities. Additionally, seeking validation often serves as a tool for learning and growth. External feedback provides varied perspectives that aid in personal improvement and development. Cultural influences also play a significant role, as societal norms often encourage seeking validation to conform to social standards and expectations. As well as receiving validation, it also offers emotional security by affirming our beliefs and actions, reducing feelings of anxiety or uncertainty. However, while seeking external validation has its benefits, striking a balance with internal validation is crucial, as relying solely on external sources for self-worth or decision-making can pose challenges to cultivating a healthy sense of self-esteem and personal growth.