Make promises that you can keep


I think that not promising things you can’t deliver is smart, it makes more sense to be realistic and modest. In my experience, I have found that delivering what you say you are going to deliver impacts your personal credibility. In general, people respect people that do what they say they are going to do, so setting reasonable expectations is a great skill to develop. If you are consistently late on deadlines and not achieving what you have promised, customers will become suspicious. What systems and processes do your organisation have in place to manage expectations?

I think that keeping your word, should be on top of your list! The post pandemic world is really uncertain, so if you can under promise and over deliver, you will not only keep your customers satisfied; you will keep your customers from taking their business elsewhere. One way to know how to overdeliver to your customers and gain valuable insights is to simply ask your customers what they want. Contact me via via e-mail for customer experience training and workshops.