Write a gratitude journal


When you find yourself stuck in a constant state of worry, or hyper focused on what is not working around you, try to pause for a second and ask yourself one or two of the following questions:

1.  What have I learned recently that has helped me grow?

2.  What opportunities do I currently have that I am grateful for?

3.  What physical abilities do I have but take for granted?

4.  What did I see today or over the last month that was beautiful?

5.  Who at work am I happy to see each day and why?

6.  Who is a person that I don’t speak to often, but, if I lost them tomorrow, it would be devastating? (Take this as a cue to reach out to them today!)

7.  What am I better at today than I was a year ago?

8.  What material object do I use every day that I am thankful for having?

9. What has someone done for me recently that I am grateful for?

10. What are the three things I am grateful for right now?

By taking time to write down our answers, we consciously redirect our attention to that which we are grateful for. It’s also a great way to look back and realise what we may have thought of as insignificant was actually the things that brought us joy.