No one cares about you!

It’s a fact that people talk about stuff that raises their status, builds connections, and helps them get to the emotional place they seek to get to. People only talk about you because it helps them not because it helps you. When someone buys a brand, for example, 13, it’s not because they like the brand. In reality, it’s because they want their friends to feel inadequate and they want to raise their status. Will your life really be better if you have more Instagram or Facebook followers?

By trying to fit in with the crowd means changing who you are to avoid attention or criticism.  Any time you allow someone to have a negative influence over the way you think, feel, or behave, you give them power over you. Giving away your personal power drains you of the mental strength you need to be the best version of yourself. Please do not give other people your power as by giving away your personal power, you sabotage your chances of success.