Commes des Garçons

The essential elements

Dover Street Market, London

How we think and feel about people we don’t particularly know is perhaps the best guide to the workings of the average human imagination. I may be naïve, but I think that if you take care of somebody, they’ll open doors that you could never open yourself. They’ll take you by the hand and share you with people that you never thought you could reach. I believe that when you provide good service for your customers they will recommend you and this will lead to multiple sales.


No matter how well we are doing, we can all use another idea! Just a couple of other things that link together with the things we already know could give us a whole new burst of productivity and energy. Sometimes it’s difficult to bring yourself within the framework of activity required to concentrate and focus on doing your best. For an extraordinary lifestyle, we will have to do some tough listening.


My simple 3 step sales formula is:
1.    Talk to lots of people every day and you are bound to get better.
2.    Be really nice, a big part of presentation is attitude and personality.
3.    Be of extraordinary service, do all the things most people don’t do.

I lost my wallet

CDG wallet.jpg

Yesterday, I lost my Commes des Garçons wallet which I bought in Tokyo (2016). The DKK 500 and various coins is of little significance compared to the lucky Viking coin my son gave to me when he was in 1st Grade. It’s the first time that I have lost anything and I am extremely grateful that I live in Denmark. The Danish technology system is excellent and the ease of access made the process of cancelling my credit card and travel card so easy. Ordering a replacement identity card and driving license was no problem. The psychological impact of my loss is greater than the financial burden of the replacement cards.

In today’s world, possessions increasingly reflect who people are or at least how they would like to see themselves. How much we see our possessions as an extension of ourselves may depend in part in how confident we feel about who we are. I will never forget the memories attached to my faithful companion who was with me 24/7 for the best part of 5 years and I still live in hope that my wallet will be found and returned to me by a kind soul. Only time will tell…