Malcolm X

Understanding kindness

We can restore humanity and dignity to the workplace by empowering people to take ownership of the process. With the right approach to continuous improvement, we can cultivate the humility, courage, and creativity needed to put things in their proper place. I think the key is to start by re-examining how we view humans, both in general and within the working context.

“I’m for the truth, no matter who tells it. 
I’m for justice, no matter who it is for or against. 
I’m a human being first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.”
— Malcolm X

The first fruit

Image c/o The Ecologist

“Sometimes a fruit falls from a tree and rolls so far away from its roots that it’s no longer of the tree. The hard fall, and long journey, bruises the fruit so much that it totally changes it. It’s the same way for some of our people. This is why some can’t be awakened regardless of how much truth you present to them. This journey has totally brainwashed them to such a degree that they’re no longer of the original tree.”
— Malcolm X