
The key concepts of trust

Building trust is essential for any brand's success, customers need to have confidence in the brand's products, services, and overall reputation. Trust takes time to establish and is often built through consistent, positive interactions and experiences with the brand. I think to build long-term trust, brands will need to shift their perspective and approach. For example, this could involve moving away from short-term, profit-driven strategies and instead focusing on strategies that prioritise customer satisfaction and loyalty. As authenticity is crucial in today's marketplace and consumers are more inclined to support brands that are genuine and transparent in their actions and messaging. Brands that try to be something they are not or engage in deceptive practices are likely to face backlash from customers.

“Introducing a small character flaw makes you more likable, because people can’t relate to you when you’re just all shiny and perfect.”
— Jacob Teeny

Just be good

The concept of a "good life" includes a sense of responsibility towards others, and achieving a fulfilling and positive life comes with an obligation to assist and support others in their pursuit of similar well-being. This viewpoint aligns with principles of empathy, compassion, and social responsibility. I think it’s imperative that we exclusively collaborate with individuals who empower us to excel in our endeavours. This approach stems from a commitment to authenticity, enabling us to consistently deliver a profound sense of service that serves as the foundation for all our endeavours. Central to this principle is the incorporation of our unique perspective, voice, and worldview – a lens through which we perceive the world. This holistic integration, I believe, is what truly strikes a chord with others and establishes a resonant connection.

Keeping it real

When you establish a pattern of honouring people through your actions, word gets out and your positive influence will spread. And since you have acted thoughtfully and with integrity, when you speak, people will listen. Authenticity doesn't mean sharing everything about yourself, to everyone, all of the time. It does mean saying what you mean, meaning what you say, and sticking to your values and principles above all else.

Authenticity cannot be bought

Trust is built on making and keeping promises. Authenticity is where you know yourself so well and are familiar with all your strengths and weaknesses, and you can use these tools and communicate is a reliable way. A way which makes you relatable in a very strong way to others, not to everyone, just those who you’ll like to build deep connections. At the end of the day, people will connect with you both personally and professionally on a deeper level if you can make them feel safe, like and trust you. These things are so nuanced in the human psyche and I am dedicated to teaching them effectively.

Focal point

I am focused on working with entrepreneurs, leaders, and team's - helping them to focus on their company’s performance and culture by integrating commercial excellence into the heart of their business. So that they can become more strategic, productive, agile, and commercially successful. In most areas of life, I think it’s more hard work and dedication than natural ability and talent that leads to excellence and great success. You begin your journey to excellence by asking the question: “What additional skills, knowledge and information will I need to lead my field in the months and years ahead?”


What one skill if you developed and did it in an excellent fashion would have the greatest positive impact on your career? The answer to this question is essential if you are to achieve excellence in your field. When you find out the answer, then focus all of your energy on improving performance in this one particular area. In my experience, if your principles are right and aligned with your purpose, and your leadership has a clear vision, focus and authenticity then your business will be in profit in so many ways.

Everybody has talent, but ability takes hard work.
— Michael Jordan