
Cultural fluency

Have you ever tried to suspend your own involvement and just observe what’s going on?

Yes, one of the advantages of growing up in the inner city of London as a Black person is that you are exposed to a whole host of stereotypes. The only things I have is honesty and openness, therefore, I learned so much from listening to people. I learned that there are two major streams of self-awareness: “me,” which builds the narrative about our past and future; and “I,” which brings us into the immediate present.

Mutual understanding

Do you think that trust is the emotional glue of all relationships?

Trust is the cornerstone of all relationships, acting as a binding agent that holds them together. I think building trust is like forging a path beyond our comfort zones, creating bridges to meaningful connections. It thrives on honesty, accountability, and openness to cultivate and maintain trust in any relationship. Trust might not be the sole emotional glue for every relationship, for example, respect, communication, empathy, and shared values also plays a significant role in sustaining strong and healthy connections.

Win, lose or draw


How many people do you know who are unaffected by praise or blame?We spend on much time reacting to labels, are own and others’. When you win, be kind and when you lose, be kind, most people learn these valuable lesson in kindergarten. I think that to completely disagree with someone and yet engage with them with respect and honesty, is a superpower. I have observed that smart people are not offended by the truth.

We all need a personal mythology not because it tells us who we are but because it tells us who to aspire to be.
— David Amerland