
It all depends

“The price of originality is criticism, and the value of originality is priceless.”
— Burrellism

This quotation suggests that when individuals or ideas are original and innovative, they often face criticism and resistance from those who are more accustomed to the status quo. When in fact the value of originality, in terms of the positive impact it can have on the world, on creativity, and on progress, is immeasurable and truly priceless. Therefore, I think the quotation emphasises the importance of persevering through criticism to achieve the benefits that come with being an original thinker or creator.

Ideas and imagination

Everyone has great ideas and the better your vocabulary the better you can share ideas that are meaningful. Imagination is the first thing we must cultivate to manifest anything in our life. All ideas start with imagination, and I think all our joy has its origin in the imagination. And when we take the first step, those ideas can become reality with the proper execution strategy.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”
— Albert Einstein

Search and you will find

It takes more than self-motivation to really alter your life. I think you have to have a better plan for your life, and the first key to doing better is to find out how things work. Perhaps the real problem is the lack of ideas of how to attract your dream partner, create money and wealth, or maintain your ideal body weight. To change your life, you will need new ideas and to get new ideas you must consistently study. When you find something that works, take notes as it’s important that you don’t use your head as a filing cabinet. One way to learn if from your own experiences and another way to learn is from other people’s experiences. Which path will you follow?