
It all depends

“The price of originality is criticism, and the value of originality is priceless.”
— Burrellism

This quotation suggests that when individuals or ideas are original and innovative, they often face criticism and resistance from those who are more accustomed to the status quo. When in fact the value of originality, in terms of the positive impact it can have on the world, on creativity, and on progress, is immeasurable and truly priceless. Therefore, I think the quotation emphasises the importance of persevering through criticism to achieve the benefits that come with being an original thinker or creator.

V is for value

Do you understand how value is created within your organisation and how it is created for your customers? This requires understanding of the value of long-term brand building and the communication of its commercial benefits for your financial team regardless of whether you are a start-up or a multi-national organisation.

A fool is someone who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.
— Oscar Wilde

Always add value

What you want is to be so specific in what you stand for, that people will search for you by name. We should aim to become the type of person, or should I say make the type of contribution that people search for by name. Remember the more specific you are, the more the likelihood that this will happen. In my experience, it’s far easier to love what you do than to do what you love.


I’m a business consultant, sales trainer, and keynote speaker and I’m not there to look good, I’m there to make my clients look good, simply put it’s never about me, it’s always about them. This is a new challenge for me to look at myself and ask, where am I being generous so that an organisation or person, I care about has changed for the better. I aim to do this over and over again and I never position price, I always position the value.

The Sun is a pretty big star

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Life is not about darkness or light, rather its about finding the the brightest star within your unconscious and creating a galaxy. I think everyone is made up of light, we simply need to find our best way to shine. When your words and actions match, people know they can trust you, so there is o need to make false promises. 

Sales people are not criminals and are usually not doing anything sneaky. Sales is a method used to align clients and customers to goods and services. The complex sale has many different stakeholders involved in the decision making process, on the other hand, the simple sale is when selling to an individual decision maker. As a sales person we must understand that it’s not a straight line from where we are to what we want. Most sales people are trained in the “old fashioned” way moving from presentation > demo > proposal > negotiation > close. How many people want to buy that way? We as individuals do not buy that way, we look at reviews and recommendations from our social circle.

Today, we are living in a high stimulus world! Everyone appears to be stimulus rich and context poor. I think competence is dependent on context and ask myself on a daily basis - How can I add value and become tremendously impactful? Do you really care about your customers? What you are selling can be anything and the value proposition can be pretty subjective. Contact me via e-mail to arrange a meeting or workshop, and learn about why you should show up prepared and the benefits of demonstrating authenticity.

You are the one we are looking for

c/o MTV

c/o MTV

Are you a result-driven person with solid experience in marketing and a passion for brand building and luxury brands? Are you curious, positive and willing to run that extra mile to get the job done? If so, send me your CV and I will scan it for key words before I can see whether you are suitable the position.

Simon Sinek said, “Value is not determined by the people who set the price, it is determined by those who choose to pay the price." The same statistic can be presented in very different ways to create very different reactions. And our choices reflect and determine who we are and I think individual awards come as a result of the teams success.