
The harder you work the better you become


Business is a vehicle for self-expression, for dreaming about creating the future we desire, for accomplishing together what we cannot do alone and for creating extraordinary amounts of value. Business is far more than a profit machine and can be the primary vehicle for building a better world, if we appropriately respect and care for people. You will need to design a strategy that attracts the target market in the right way, and you will need to immediately have the right mix of products and solutions developed so that they can engage you immediately.


We are not in a “You” economy, it’s a “We” economy. We are sharing, we are growing, we are expanding, we are finding ways to add value. The secret to business is to think about others, not about yourself! I think a meaningful life is serving something greater than yourself. When we are excited about something, the first thing we want to do is share it with our loved ones. A lot of people think you have to get it right before you start, the most important thing is to get started and begin learning as quickly as you can.

Facts on Friday


The way we change the culture is not by getting a trending headline on social media, I think we change the culture by establishing that people like us do things like this. Culture is driven by media and media is driven by a business model. We all believe that we see the world as it is, in reality we live in a culture and that culture changes what we see.

Even though the world is safer and healthier than it has ever been before, even now during the Covid-19 pandemic, no one believes that is true. What has happened over the past 20 years is that the media business model has dramatically changed, and therefore, the reason that people don’t think that the world is safer and healthier is because the media does not want us to think that this is the truth. The higher powers have decided that society makes the most profit when we are on edge, insecure and feeling insignificant. #justsaying

Purpose drives profits


Over the last few years I have really studied sales people to find out precisely what the best sales people have in common. What I discovered was those sales people who truly want to make a difference in the lives of their customers outsell sales people who are solely focused on sales quotas and targets. And organisations where their purpose included “improving their customers lives,” also outperformed organisations who had a solely profit based purpose.

According to a Gallup study from 2017 on the American workplace, of the country’s approximately 100 million full-time employees, 51% felt no real connection to their jobs. Employees can do a lot of things to increase their engagement and they could begin by attaching a sense of meaning to their work. I think there are three questions one could ask oneself:
1. How do you make a difference in the lives of your customers?
2. How do you do it differently that your competitors and peers?
3. On your best days, what do you love about your job?

Remember your job matters and that it has a meaning. Contact me via e-mail when you are ready to take a look at your individual or corporate sense of purpose.