
Nothing more, nothing less

No one can give you dignity, you simply must decide to have it. Dignity is about showing self-respect and maintaining quiet self-esteem. I think we are the sum total of all the decisions we've made in our lives, as each choice has shaped us into the person we are today. Never regret anything that has happened in your life; it cannot be changed, undone, or forgotten. So, instead, we should view each experience as a lesson.

Confronting your fears

I have learned that when you confront your fears and move towards what you are afraid of, your fears diminish whilst at the same time your self-esteem and self-confidence increases. However, when you avoid the thing you fear, the fear grows, and it will begin to control every aspect of your life. And as your fear increases, your self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-respect diminishes accordingly. Therefore, I think that if you do not do the thing, you fear then fear will control your life. Contact me via e-mail to book coaching, mentoring or 1:1 sparring sessions.