
One of the factors

Via KEA Startup Hub, Copenhagen

Start-ups, by definition have no momentum, and in business, before you gain momentum, you have to create the perception of momentum. This is why start-ups need marketing from the beginning of their journey, and this should not be - fake it, until you make it - either. Many people confuse marketing with telling lies or overt hyperbole (over exaggeration). It's about building excitement, curiosity, and interest about what you're doing. I have a proven track record of exceeding results in highly demanding environments from start-ups to corporates. Are you thinking about springing out as an entrepreneur? Contact me via e-mail for a 1:1 discovery meeting.

Words have consequences

When you are a young company, your story will define your valuation and as a founder the words you use to describe your business can be the difference between finding an investment partner or not. With mature companies, it’s your numbers that will drive your valuation as the older a company the more the numbers drive the valuation. Start-up companies need “Steve the visionary” as CEO. As they become a young growth company they will need, “Bob the builder” because they have to start building a business. When they become a mature company, they will need “Don the defender” as CEO and when they are in decline, they will need “Larry the liquidator”.

Saleable content

I think that in every start-up, you need the following:
- Someone who always wants to get things done
- Someone who obsesses over numbers
- Someone who is honest about things that doesn't work
- Someone who is eternally optimistic


The “someone” I describe above could be the same person. I have heard about start-up companies who don’t know who they are, they don’t have a business model, and they don’t have great market segmentation, in other words how to approach a market. Unless this is all in place, I would not work with them as I cannot guide them through a sales process or teach them how to sell more effectively. Not knowing who to target, who to sell to, what price points to be at can really impact how you can sell effectively in any marketplace.