digital marketing

Putting things in perspective

A digital marketing campaign is much more dynamic and sustainable than a general marketing campaign. What most entrepreneurs actually want but have lost sight of in the online universe is the science of these four timeless inputs that truly reflect what they desire:

The person - Understanding and connecting with the target audience on an individual level.
The problem - Identifying and addressing a painful, complex, and urgent issue.
The solution - Offering a course, coaching, product, or service that effectively resolves the identified problem.
•. Creating value - Determining how the provided solution generates value for the individual, whether through its unique features, benefits, or price point.

I think by re-establishing focus on these inputs, entrepreneurs can navigate the online landscape more effectively and achieve their desired outcomes.

Finding the North Star


The definition of digital marketing has not fundamentally changed, what has changed is the relevance and the essential role of digital. Especially the relationship between the consumer and brand, and vice versa. Building a bridge between where the companies were to where they are today - in mindset, in understanding of the power of digital and in understanding how the platform is being transformed.

I think the key ingredient is that brands must ensure they keep their core values and positioning intact. The digital transformation story for your brand begins with a real need to understand your digital engagement. We can look at what is digital, from both the platform and a social standpoint. I can guide your brand through the process of moving forward from simply understanding what they need to do, to actually implementing those changes throughout you organisation. Contact me via e-mail (confidentiality is assured).

It's you, uniquely you


Nowadays, small brands cannot afford to participate in traditional media buys, so social media is the only place where they talk about their brand. This morning, I realised that it’s been almost 2 months since I activated my Clubhouse account, and I still haven’t joined a conversation room. For those of you who are not aware, Clubhouse is an invitation-only social audio app. Apparently, Clubhouse is the home for people who are disillusioned with social media censorship and unequivocally condemn all other forms of racism and hate speech.

This new storytelling approach which is not visual will take a little while to catch on. As the Clubhouse rooms disappear after they are over, and as recording a room is against the rules - “going viral,” in the traditional sense, isn’t really possible. I think the Clubhouse app could help brands to attract new clients, as it’s an ideal platform to consistently define, express and communicate who you are, who you serve and why you are currently dedicating your life to serving your target market.